Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Gift's to Cherish

During Thanksgiving, my sister in law and I had the priveledge of attending a "Photo Tile Board" making class at our local scrapbook store.  We had such a great time and the boards turned out so awesome, I decided to make a few for Christmas gifts.

A very dear friend of mine lost her mom not to long ago and I thought this would be the perfect gift for her.  Since I didn't have any photos of her mom, I had to ask for them and let her know what I was doing ahead.  However, it's been a wonderful project and while I was making her's, I made another one for my sister....


1 8 oz Box -EnviroTex Lite pour on High Gloss Finish (enough for two boards)
Paint of your choice to match photos
9- 4x4 photos of your choice (NOTE:  must measure exactly or slightly smaller to ensure proper outcome)
3-High Quailty Sponge Brushes
1- small paint brush
2 large heavy duty drinking straws (the ones from sonic are perfect)
4 small dixie cups (used to prop under board while pouring mixture on boards)
piece of cardboard or a plastic trash bag to put under project while working on it
2 plastic cups
wooden popsickle stick (to use to stir acrylic mixture)

First, thing to do is paint the outter edges of your board.  Choose a coordinating color to match your photos.  This particular project that I am working on is a 12 x 12 board and it had 9- 4x4 squares.  When choosing your photos make sure to cut them exactly 4 x 4.  If they are a little smaller that is ok, but if they are larger, it will not work.  The extra that hangs over will allow for air pockets to get under the photos and they will not adhere to the board and it will create a huge mess.

Next you need to paint in between each of the squares.  This step is time consuming and a little difficult.  You need to have a small paint brush for this step.  (NOTE:  Do not paint the entire square as sometimes the paint will bleed through the photos depending on the paper used on the photo.)  I have also painted the back of both of the above boards to add a more finished touch.  Once finished you can either attach a hanger or display in a plate stand that sits on the cabinet.  You may have to do two coats, especially if using black.  The board soaks the paint in and you have to make sure you don't leave any bare spots.  For the paint, I use Making Memories Scrapbooking paint since it is acid free and can be used with photos.

Once you have selected your photos and cut them to the correct measurement it's time to glue them to the board.  I used Hodge Podge to glue my photos down.  Make sure you cover the entire area with glue so no air pockets can create a space for the acrylic mixture to get into.  Once you glue the photos down, rub lightly to assure a secure fit.  (NOTE:  Make sure to fit the photos to the square exactly before applying the glue.

Once you have all the photos secure, then you need to mix the acrylic coat together.  The EnviroTex Lite comes in an 8 oz box (larger amounts available).  This box comes with two bottles and the box will coat two boards as long as you measure exactly 4 oz (2 oz of each bottle out per board).  This is were you will use the two plastic cups.  Pour the mixture into the first cup and stir well. Try not to fold the mixture when stiring as it creates bubbles.  There will already be bubbles, but don't need to create more.  After two minutes, pour mix into the second cup using the popsicle stick to scrap the sides well and then continue stiring for another two minutes.  Once you have finished mixing the mixture it's time to pour.  Start at one of the outside corners about 1/4 of an inch from the outside edge and pour clock wise till you end up in the center.  With your spounge brush, lightly spread the mixture to the edges to create an even coat all over the surface. 

Next, take your sponge brush and with slightly firm pressure, begin running it lenght wise through the small cracks of the board to clear the acrylic mixture out of the cracks.  (this is what will create the tile look when it is dry)  As you get close to the end of each row, use the bruch to catch what falls and spread over the edges.  You will have to do this process a few times until the mixture begins to set and does not fall into the cracks. 

Once the above process is completed and the spaces between the photos are clear... then you have to start clearing all the bubbles away. With your straw begin blowing at an angle towards the edges to get ride of all the bubbles. (NOTE: Change straws frequently as siliva will build up in the straw and you DO NOT want it to get into the acrylic coat)! Ever so often after you get all the bubbles out, go back and check to see if any have appeared. Once the acrylic coat begins to set, place a fan on the board and put on low. Do not set it right on top. This will just help in aiding in the dry time. Let board set for 24-48 hours to assure that is totally dry.

This board is created for my friend Gini over at Ginisology
In Memory of Her Mother
 Elfriede Haf~Serafin
 21 March 1933 Augsburg, Germany  to 21 July 2010 Torrance, CA

March 2009~ Oklahoma City, OK

This was the board I created during in the class at Thanksgiving.
Wow!  We had so much fun playing in the snow.  What great memories!
Created by: Me aka Robin I

(note: photo is not best due to glare from the camera on the acrylic finish

"A Day of Fun"
created by: Me aka Robin I

Spent the day with my sister and  nephew playing at Lake Texhoma.
I so loved how these photos turned out with the green shirt and green
grass and his RED hair. 
Made this as a Christmas Present for my sister